Your Imperfections Are Your Best Assets

Jamila With Fresh Face

I don’t know about you gals but I normally won’t leave the house without a coat, yes I said coat, of make-up on to cover my imperfections such as skin blemishes and dark under eye circles. It’s funny because a couple of weeks ago my husband was like, “I remember when you didn’t wear all of that make-up. I mean we could just get up & roll without all of that (points at my face while saying this).” I have to admit it ladies, he kinda threw me off by his matter of fact statement but I have to appreciate his honesty I mean that is one of the reasons why I married this dude, lol! I do remember when I wasn’t so pressed about going out into the world without a lick of make-up on outside of my brows being tamed & mascara. What happened to that girl being comfortable in her own skin, LITERALLY.

While thinking about the words voiced from my significant other I also began to look at the photos on my social media outlets…realizing that I hardly have any without make-up! Damn how vain am I? Then I began to look at the timeframe when I really started to get into the make-up as hardcore as I have become. It happened right after I had Javere & I gained mad weight & thought well until I lose this weight at least my face can be together. It’s crazy how we will use something else to cover up the real problem, right?

As of late I have been forgoing the make-up & getting back to the “take it or leave it” motto. With this being said I have been paying more attention to what my body needs because most of what you put in your body your skin tells the story. I’ve been doubling up on water & cutting out my visits to my fave fast food spots. While doing these things I have noticed a huge difference & not just in my face but in my waist! LOL, yeah I had to say that 🙂 I’ve also added masks & better moisturizers to my daily regimen too!

I think I will continue to skip make-up a couple of days a week so I can see the real me & get comfortable in my own skin.

Can you relate to my situation? Let me know by commenting below♥


5 responses to “Your Imperfections Are Your Best Assets

  1. I can’t relate on the weight thing or the make up thing for the simple fact that i’ve always been on the chubby side and i’m too lazy to apply make up everyday. I love watching make up tutorials on how to created a look but i hardly ever apply it to myself because of the tropical ass temperatures the state i reside in However, i can totally feel your perspective on loving flaws and not being afraid to go barefaced sometimes, I do it all the time. I love make up but like hair… it’s sooo time consuming. You’re beautiful by the way and your complexion is lovely, you should go barefaced more often.

    • Chelle,

      I understand what you are saying about everything being so time consuming because chile it is! It’s like you have to set aside time in the morning to decide if you are going to give face or banging hair! Thanks for commenting & it’s nice to see you on the official site 🙂

  2. in my case, i started putting makeup on because of my skin problem! by the time i turned 18, i started having dark spots on my face because of my acne! now my skin is better but still far from perfect, but i still wear foundation all the time and emphasize the shape of my eyes with a liner! does it mean i’m uncomfortable in my own skin?

  3. ps: you look great bare faced! your skin seems perfect! hope i will have a flawless skin one day! sad face

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